Elektor Magazine PC Software design 1998/1999 first Prize!

Temperature Recorder can read and store temperature values by using the DS1620 tranducer by Dallas Semiconductors. The connection with the serial port (RS-232) and the storing of the temps, during the offline mode or is handled by using the Atmel AT89C2051 microcontroller which is responsible to collect, store and feed temperature logs when the connection with the PC is established.
The TEMPERATURE RECORDER Application is a windows application written in Visual Basic 5. The application give us the ability to select the communication port that the hardware will use for communicating with the sensor, the RATE which is the sampling rate for the temperature measurements .

Temperature recorder schematic diagram

After selecting the log filename, we are ready to start the communication with our device by pressing the “Start” button. Log are automatically stored on the disk and also can be reviewed in the application embedded graph panel:

Application layout

By admin