ioko monitoring is a surveillance platform – running under linux – integrating not only interface with IP surveillance cameras, but also controlling and manipulating data from various interfaces and sensors such as weather stations GSM modems, IO sensors and more.
Control unit collects video stream from IP camera devices and then, according to the configuration, feeds OpenCV image processing algorithms and stores processed images to the storage directory after compressing the output video stream.
The following interfaces are currently supported:
- IP Camera devices. IP Devices capable to provide either RTSP stream of snapshot images (mjpeg).
- Weather station. Interface with USB weather station; acquiring meteorological data such as temperature, solar radiation, humidity, wind direction and speed. Data are plotted and are available to the users in a separate page:
- Communication with AT capable modem, sending notifications though SMS
- Digital Input interface detecting status changes such as alarms or motion sensors signals
- Digital Output interface, enabling devices such as lights, door openers
- Interface with solar inverters (currently KACO supported and IP Camera devices. IP Devices capable to provide either RTSP stream of snapshot images (mjpeg).
Weather station. Interface with USB weather station; acquiring meteorological data such as tempertested) monitoring the energy harvest and also key factors of the plant such as currents in solar arrays, environmental conditions, alarms and status of related parts.
Data are stored to a local storage directory, mirrored to remote/cloud directory and also are accessible in real time through the web interface.
Source code is available under the following repository: